
Construction in progress

So I have used docker-compose and seen how that is abstracting containers as services. But that does not seem to have a finer control on when those services start / stop / execute something based on the state of other services (from my current knowledge on it).

I think a finite state machine for the entire setup where each state directs a service to do some action and moves to another state based on the next input from outside - say a docker-compose.yml-ish file will

  • Have resilience on states of services and a way to retract if faced with errors
  • Dynamically change state of the services when a trigger it presented. For eg. when a log entry is generated, run a script on a contain for it to map / save it
  • Many more which I have not yet explored on.

So if you are out there reading this rant, Check out this Github repo leave an issue there if you have more ideas and / or want to collaborate. Or shoot me a DM on twitter @manklu