echo 'gatekeepers of tech' > blogpost --rant

There is this explosion of value (read: money) in the technology space - especially in software tech that every tom dick and harry is jumping the ship from whichever field they are in, to establish their companies and ideologies - which they want tech to come by, take their cue and solve it. No matter if there is any demand for such technology based solutions and products.

No, I am not saying that we need to banish the influx from these diverse sectors (read: non-tech) and just embark ourselves onto pristine tech based goals a la self driving cars – this diversity is in turn leading to diversity in the set of problems technology is getting solve, which is fantastic for the growth of industry irrespective of whether the solutions or products see the light of the day or not.

But there is a very low signal-to-noise ratio on these problems that are getting solved using technology - leading to a situation where seemingly bizarre problems are shoehorning tech inwards and begging for solutions - almost beating technology into submission. But why? I believe that these problems and ideas are outliers and we are not there yet in technology market to solve these and adopt it - and there can be far more efficient solutions that wont need technology all, one has to just look rather than running behind buzzwords! (read: predominantly IoT)

Just to ride the bandwagon of technology and cash in has lead to a good amount of precious time being wasted in this community doing pointless work!

Thus I propose a brotherhood of gatekeepers for technology industry who will vet ideas and problems that can be solved using current state-of-the-art efficiently or in an envisioned future – plus points for ideas which can have a some impact to the world when materialized. We as torch-bearers of technology should not be working on things which are not supposed to be solved by technology!